Conflict Resolution


Course Rationale
One of the many challenges for staff working with people particularly within a care setting is to develop an awareness of the effect staff attitudes / behaviour may have on clients and to increase staff’s ability to identify and deal effectively with potential areas of conflict. 

Course Duration
One day (1/2 days by arrangement)

Appropriate for all staff / volunteers. Minimum number 4 maximum 25.


Course Content
  • Effects of conflict on individuals
  • Self awareness (How others see us)
  • Body language and personal space
  • Cultural considerations
  • Communication theories
  • Warning signs
  • Risk assessments
  • De-escalation skills / Communication models
  • Discussion / Group work
  • Lone working (in appropriate)
  • Personal Safety (if appropriate)
Course outcomes
By the end of the session participants will have a greater understanding of the effect they have on others, improved awareness of potential conflict and strategies to reduce their vulnerability and increase their skills to deal with conflict situations.
