Safeguarding Children and Young People



Course Rationale

People who have regular contact with families and children, whether they are in formal employment or are volunteers, have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people. They need to have the skills and competencies to recognise safeguarding issues and know what to do if they have any concerns.


All Health Professional Bodies require professionals to have evidenced safeguarding children competencies and for these to be regularly updated.

Voluntary bodies have similar expectations


Course Duration

½ day to 2 day course dependent upon level required








Course Content

Depending on audience and level required:

  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Recognition of Child Abuse
  • Who to inform / information sharing/advice
  • Making Referrals
  • Record keeping in relation to child protection
  • Attachment theories
  • Resilience
  • The impact of Domestic Abuse


Training can meet Level 1, 2 or 3 (Safeguarding Children & Young People: Roles & Competencies for Health Care Staff. Intercollegiate Doc 2006) and can be tailored to meet the needs of specific groups.


Accommodation Requirements

  • Room large enough for all participants free from interruptions.
  • Refreshments (Tea / Coffee) for break time. 
  • Screen / clear wall for projection
  • Handouts (I will provide)
  • Laptop / projector (I will supply if not available on site)


Course outcomes

By the end of the session participants will have an understanding of safeguarding issues including their roles and responsibilities at the level required for them to competently fulfil their roles.

Certificates will be provided.