Resilience Training


Course Rationale
Staff working within the NHS, particularly those working with distress and pain frequently encounter patients who are upset and angry.  Staff experience patients directing their anger and frustration at them, often leading to staff distress.  Staff need to have the skills to deal with this in a clear and sensitive way, protecting themselves and building up their resilience.


Who will benefit


·         All grades / disciplines

·         Minimum 10, Maximum 20 participants per workshop


Length of course / Dates


·         One day or 2 half day workshops

·         Staff may attend both days




·         TBD




Session 1

·                   Ground rules

·                   Self Awareness – Attitude & Communication

·                   Can we see it coming?

·                   Conflict Management Skill – 5 Steps

·                   Care for the Caretaker & support systems


Session 2

·                   Ground rules

·                   Self Awareness Beliefs & Values

·                   Personal Safety plan

·                   Conflict Management Skill – ‘Dear man’

·                   Care for the Caretaker / 4 Agreements

Return on Investment


·                   Confident and competent staff who can work with colleagues / the public to respond appropriately to their needs

·                    Increased staff morale

·                   Decreased sickness

·                   Healthier workforce